Kidlington Reminiscence Group
The aim of the group is to provide a space for people to explore a range of subjects, share stories, memories and personal items, make new friends or spend time with old ones.
The older members of this large village community thoroughly enjoy the interactive and engaging reminiscence sessions on subjects and themes they have been encouraged to suggest.
Members value the opportunity to record their memories on some of the subjects discussed, with the aim of developing an oral history sound archive.
There is an annual outing to a destination with a local history interest for members to enjoy. This group welcomes anyone over the age of 55 years.
For more information please contact Karey Morley on 01295 236165.
The group meets at Kidlington Baptist Church, High Street, Kidlington OX5 2DS, on the last Tues of each month between 2.00 – 3.45pm. The cost is £3.00 per person
28 January – Oxford shops of yesteryear: Established department stores, memorable shops in the Covered Market, small independent shops, cafes, shopkeepers etc.
25 February – ‘Our first car’: Second hand or new? Who were the local car dealers? The cost of running it and the upkeep, etc.
25 March – Members Session: ‘A trip of a lifetime’ led by Joe & Corinna Welch: Adventures in Australia
29 April – Embarrassing incidents or disasters while growing up: Members stories & experiences!
22 May – Visit to Oxford Playhouse
24 June – Exploring Church Street, Kidlington: Manor Farm, the Old Rectory, St Mary’s Church area, local shops & characters who lived there etc.
29 July – ‘My first holiday without my parents’: where did you go & who did you go with? etc.
26 August – Port Meadow, Oxford: Childhood visits, the aerodrome, grazing animals, Wolvercote area, swimming at Sandy Bay, etc.
30 September – St Giles Fair: Childhood memories, who did you go with? Favourite stall and ride? The sounds & smells, etc.
28 October – Fast food post rationing: Takeaways, packet & instant foods, faster cooking methods, time saving gadgets, etc.
25 November – Best Friends: Childhood playmates, school friends, pen pals, lifelong friendships, etc