As a charity, we want to reach as many people as possible, telling the story of Banbury’s past, present and future, alongside thought-provoking art, curated specifically for our local community.
We cannot do this without help from many wonderful people just like you, who have decided to support our charitable work through a donation.
- A donation of £10 each month could help us with the costs of developing activity packs for families with younger children.
- £20 per month could help us extend our programmes for seniors, enabling the Museum to offer greater support to vulnerable people within our community.
- £50 each month would enable us to extend our programme for schools, offering more workshops within the Museum and in the classroom.
As a registered charity, we can claim Gift Aid on your donation providing you are a UK taxpayer. Without any additional cost to you, this will contribute a further £25 for every £100 you give, thanks to HM Revenue & Customs.
Click on the right to make a regular or one-off gift through our secure giving page and join our supporters who share so much joy in our community.
Regular supporters will be invited to at least one special event in the Museum per annum, where you will be able to meet our team, ask questions and see behind the scenes.
Thank you